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remember, you are dust and dust you shall return

so we just got back from the ash wednesday service...and honestly i am a little dissapointed. i guess my expectations were improper - but the service seemed very disjointed with little to no flow. and maybe it is just because i am used to non-traditional services, but it was just one thing after the next: a scripture, then a hymn, then the choir, then scripture, then prayer, then a devotional, then the ash, then we go. and there was a time of reflection, but not guided at all, just 'here is your time of reflection'. i guess it is hard for me to just go and experience a service without trying to overanalyze it, something i definately need to let go of...anyways, the most powerful time for me was when the ashes from last easter's burned palm branches were spread on my forehead and i was told: "remeber, you are dust and dust you shall return." i could feel the grittyness and harshness of the ashes on my head and i could feel the dust. i really connected with the dust imagery and it is still setting in...i am excited about this lent journey this year...

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