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some spirituality from batman

"It's not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me. " - bruce wayne wow...as a follower of Christ, it isnt who i proclaim to be, it is the person that i am that defines me. i know misinterpreted and twisted this could be an emphasis on works, but as i heard God speak to me through this quote it wasnt a works thing so that i can earn salvation and life. What i was hearing was "come be a part of my work", "join me in reconciliation and redemption of everything you are a part of", "we are partners and friends, you have a calling, do something for the kingdom". i must see this flick again...anyone in? thoughts on the quote?

That quote is a challenge, it's not how good my intentions are inside,or how much I want to help out, it's what I do with that desire. It's what I do that makes a difference. That is what defines me, and for the difference to be made in honor of God
what a responsibility.

i thought there were some good ideas about justice in the movie also. to carry this thought further we are called to change the world be being a part of it and active redeeming part. thank you jesus i left the bus stop and started living. i loved this movie and i think it was a good take on the story. i wish batman didnt feel the need to talk like dirty harry though it was hard to take him serious.

I just want to point out that it was actually Katie Holmes character that said that quote first, Bruce said it back to her after she asked who he was. I just saw that movie today, I think it scared the crap out of me! But it was good!! :)

Bill spoke about this sort of thing last Sunday at Hope Chapel too. Well, not from batman but the same idea...be classified as something because you live as it. Interesting idea. Glad the summer is going well.

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